Determination of Radiation Dose Level Exposed to Thyroid in C-Arm Scopy
C-arm Scopy, Alderson Rando Phantom (ART), TLD, RadiationAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the radiation dose impacting thyroid tissue during C-arm fluoroscopy using the Alderson Rando phantom and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD-100). Given the sensitivity of the thyroid, understanding the dose is crucial for patient safety.
The Alderson Rando phantom, representing a human equivalent, was employed for radiation exposure assessment. TLD-100 dosimeters were strategically placed in the thyroid region of the phantom's 9th section. Measurements were taken at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8-minute intervals. The study was conducted at Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, with the Alderson Rando phantom sourced from the Department of Radiation Oncology. Evaluation of research findings occurred at the Cekmece Nuclear Research Center.
The study revealed the average radiation dose impacting thyroid internal tissue as 0.760 mSv (0.5 minutes), 1.319 mSv (1 minute), 2.7345 mSv (2 minutes), 5.633 mSv (4 minutes), and 11.5595 mSv (8 minutes). The average radiation dose affecting thyroid skin tissue was found to be 1.587 mSv (0.5 minutes), 2.3905 mSv (1 minute), 5.0075 mSv (2 minutes), 9.8115 mSv (4 minutes), and 18.8635 mSv (8 minutes).
Minimizing radiation dose is crucial to reduce potential harm to patients. However, the absence of established reference values in the literature emphasizes the need for determining this dose, as no standardized benchmark currently exists. Annual radiation dose limits for various body parts exist, but establishing specific values for thyroid tissue during C-arm fluoroscopy is essential for enhancing patient safety in radiological procedures.
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