Determination Of Radiation Dose Levels to Which Partois And Spinal Cord (C1-C2) Regions Are Exposed In Computed Tomography Brain Imaging
Radiation Dose, CT Brain Imaging, ART Phantom, Parotis, Spinal Cord (C1/C2)Abstract
The adverse effects of ionizing radiation are well known among researchers today. However, ionizing radiation is commonly used for diagnostic purposes in many medical imaging techniques. One of the most important devices used for diagnostic purposes is computed tomography (CT). It is vital to determine radiation doses, ensure patient safety, and minimize potential health risks.This study aims to determine the doses of radiation to the parotid glands and the spinal cord (C1-C2) region during computed tomography (CT) brain imaging. To achieve this goal, the exposure of these areas to different radiation levels was simulated and measured. This study contributes to the improvement of CT brain imaging procedures and the reduction of patients' radiation exposure risks. The Alderson Rando phantom was used for assessing radiation exposure. TLD-100 dosimeters were strategically placed in the spinal cord (C1/C2) region of the phantom's 6th section. The study was conducted at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Nuclear Medicine, and the Alderson Rando phantom was provided by the Department of Radiation Oncology. The evaluation of research findings was performed at the Çekmece Nuclear Research Center. The study revealed average doses of 4.585 mSv for the spinal cord (C1/C2) region, 5.425 mSv for the left parotid, and 5.29 mSv for the right parotid during CT imaging.
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