Estimation the Biochemical parameters Changes in Blood of Corona Virus Patients in Iraq in Order to Support the Timely Decision Needs



Human infections, Williamson


People in every region of the globe are showing rapid signs of infection with the SARS-Cove-2 virus. One patient is able to transmit the virus to two or three more patients even if they are not showing any symptoms, which is proof of the virus's fast spread. The importance of knowing the values of these signs and ensuring their validity lies in supporting the doctor's decision-making at the right time to control the infection and detect cases that do not show symptoms of infection. As a result, it is simple to isolate infected cases and make the decision to treat them as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infection and disease outbreaks. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to evaluation biochemical parameters changes in blood of patients with corona virus. The indicators was estimated in the study include CRP, Creatinine,  BUN,  Sugar,  WBC, cholesterol,  HDL, D-Dimer,  enzymes of liver function, and renal function tests. It is important to know and validate the values of the biochemical parameters in order to support the timely decision that the clinician needs to make in order to control infection and detect pathological conditions. Additionally, it is important to determine whether or not the values fall within the normal level or whether or not they fall within the level of the control group. Through our research, which describes the pathway for ESR, CRP, RBS, D-Dimer, and Ferritin, it is possible to understand the mechanism that influences the change in the levels of these parameters in patients with Covid 19 and thereby contribute to the early detection of the disease. According to the findings of these tests, there are high significant disparities between the patients. Additionally, this study demonstrated that there is a statistically significant gap between the patients and the control group. On the other hand, one of the most important diagnostic markers for COVID-19 sickness is the D-Dimer test in combination with the ferritin test.


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How to Cite

MOHAMMED, H. A., Adem, Şevki, & SAHAB, K. S. (2024). Estimation the Biochemical parameters Changes in Blood of Corona Virus Patients in Iraq in Order to Support the Timely Decision Needs . IJASRaR, 1(1). Retrieved from




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