Optimal Examination Ways to follow up patients effected by COVID-19: case study in Jalawla General Hospital in Iraq



Human infections, Williamson


The period of survival of the Corona virus in the atmosphere for more than three hours does not reduce its possibility of infection, and in some surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic, the survival period reaches 72 hours. Currently, prevention methods must be followed due to the lack of effective treatment to avoid aggravating the situation, and one of the most important prevention methods is infection prevention and control (IPC), while Infection prevention and control (IPC) has led to a 30% reduction in infection rate in medical clinics and health care centres. The objective is to identify the most successful ways to follow up patients who had corona virus with the best drugs that are effective in a short period of time. To give a few examples of the ailments that fall under the category of chronic diseases: coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and asthma are just few of the diseases that fall into this category. In many cases, the symptoms of a chronic disease continue to be present for an extended period of time. During the course of this study endeavor, a sample of patients that is typical of the population was selected, and those patients were afterwards questioned about whether or not they suffered from a chronic ailment. The researchers have not only documented information on the history of the illness, but they have also documented other information regarding the patients, such as the patients' ages, genders, and current states of health. In addition, the researchers have documented information on the history of the illness.


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How to Cite

MOHAMMED, H. A., Adem, Şevki, & SAHAB, K. S. (2023). Optimal Examination Ways to follow up patients effected by COVID-19: case study in Jalawla General Hospital in Iraq. IJASRaR, 1(1). Retrieved from https://ijasrar.com/index.php/ijasrar/article/view/5


